Ireland’s Garden Birds by Oran O’Sullivan and Jim Wilson.
New Second Edition now available.
The essential companion for bird lovers and gardeners alike since it was first published in 2008, this very successful guide has now been fully updated with the latest information and statistics. Highlighting a range of plants and planting schemes that support wildlife, it provides expert advice on making your garden a haven for birds.
Learn everything you need to know about all the birds you are likely to see from your window, how to attract them and how to care for them. Each species is described with details of status, identification, feeding habits, songs and calls and breeding season. A completely new set of photographic plates by Mark Carmody, features opposite the species descriptions. The guide also includes Ireland’s newest garden visitor, the Great Spotted Woodpecker, a very recent colonist to the island of Ireland, underlying the relative importance of feeding birds in your garden.
Published by Collins Press, March 2017, 205 printed pages, €15.00